Thursday, May 14, 2009

Last visit with our trees before summer break!

We checked on our trees one last time before break. Each student chose a Swamp Red Maple and Baldcypress tree to measure, fertilize, weed and monitor. They will keep track of this information and then check on them again in the Fall!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Germination Time!

Our seedlings have sprouted! We went out and took a look at the new Swamp Red Maple and Bald Cypress seedlings in our can yard. We talked about the importance of having only one seedling per yellow cell, so that the seedling would have the most nutrients and the best chance of survival. Tomorrow we'll give them a bit of fertilizer for an extra boost!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The next generation!

The Class of 2015 finished planting their seeds today! The students planted over 3000 seeds this year! Please read the comments below to hear what the students hope to learn from the Coastal Roots program!